Data digitization

Organizations’ software needs change every day. It is important for us to listen to our partners’ requests, and always to deliver specific products that meet their requirements.

We have been open for suggestions for a tool that would significantly help to run a business, and EMDA is our answer.

Implementation of this system allows you to save:

  • time,
  • office space
  • money

Imagine – your most important documents that are always ready to use (there is no need to order someone to bring it from an old dusty locker) by just one click of the mouse.

Easy to distribute among your co-workers (forget about traditional post that can often lose your documents). You decide who has a full access or partial access to data allowing employers to work on the documents, highlight what is important, cross-out what is not, make notes, etc.

EMDA opens unlimited possibilities for you and your company that were yet unknown. If you struggle with not enough office space, we can take your documents from you and store them in archives that were especially made for this purpose. The future of your company is safe with EMDA.

Visit to find out what exactly EMDA has to offer.